SIC Wall systems provide high R-Value for efficient homes. This Spring 2019 build has R28 Bungalow and upper floor walls. The exterior is pre-strapped for installation of cement board planking, The metal roof is pre-angled for a solar panel array to provide off-grid power. Built on grade, the main level uses the SIC R-Floor instead of a traditional poured slab. These SIC systems provide increased comfort and energy efficiency. The shell was contracted to experienced Polycore builders for fast lockup. With lockup achieved the home owners will undertake interior and exterior finishing at their own pace. Self build of the interior allows full control over time and finishes.

About The Author
Mark C
Mark is an original developer of the Polycore Building System in 2003 that brought this type of structural insulation to the builder market. After expanding into related manufacturing businesses and seeing the core products pushed to the background, he refocused on the systems and founded S I Construction Systems in 2016